—Photographer: Wing Shya
—Title: Solace
—Published by Session Press
—Design by Geoff Han
—Image Editor: Geoff Han, Miwa Susuda
—Text Editor: Ming Lin
—Text: Conversation with Wing Shya and Karen Smith
—Translation: Ho King Man
—Publication Date: July 2024
—Lithography: Sebastiaan Hanekroot, Colour & Books
—Production: Jos Morree, Fine Books
—Printer: Die Keure, Brugge, BE
—Distribution in US: Dashwood Books, NYC.
——Distribution in Japan:
—twelvebooks, Tokyo
—Distribution in China:
—METEOR, Hong Kong
—Cover: slikscreen printing
—Page: 184 pp
—Dimension: 210 x 297 cm
—ISBN: 978-0-578-42909-0
—Retail Price: $80
Session Press is pleased to present Solace, the first U.S. monograph by acclaimed Hong Kong based photographer and film director, Wing Shya.
Early in his career, Shya was invited by Wong Kar-wai to serve as an on-set stills photographer for films including Happy Together and In the Mood for Love. Granted rare access to the renowned director’s inner circle, over the years Shya captured poignant behind-the-scenes portraits of iconic actors such as Tony Leung, Leslie Cheung, Maggie Cheung, and Gong Li in unguarded moments between takes. These intimate images form the heart of Solace, interspersed with the best of Shya’s commercial shoots, as well as private snapshots of nature and cityscapes encountered on his travels. The resulting collection is a true testament to Shya’s ability as an eloquent storyteller and deeply introspective observer.
Hong Kong has long captured the West’s imagination as an enigmatic Other with dazzling neon lights and a chaotic electric pulse. However, in Solace, Shya reveals a more personal and meditative Hong Kong. Time slows, inviting the viewer to explore the subtleties of interpersonal chemistries from a distance in ephemeral, quiet moments that showcase Shya’s sensitive and intuitive approach toward his subjects. A nostalgic, dreamlike atmosphere emerges in his expired and exposed film, punctuated by flashes of vibrant color.
In the words of William Chang, one of Wong Kar-wai’s most important collaborators, Solace is a “moving achievement that deftly captures ephemeral postures and fleeting snippets in time.”
We hope Solace will introduce an international audience to the sublime nuance of Wing Shya’s work, as well as the rich history and culture of Hong Kong as seen through his eyes.
セッション・プレスの第十二冊目の写真集は、香港出身の映画監督、写真家のウィン・シャの『Solace』(ソレイス:慰め)です。シャは、彼自身が写真家として活動し始めた頃に、ウォン・カーウァイの『ブエノスアイレス』や『花様年華 』などの映画作品に スチール・カメラマンとして迎えられました。シャは、映画界の巨匠カーウァイの撮影現場に入る貴重な経験を通じ、トニー・レオン、マギー・チャン、コン・リーといった有名スターたちの、撮影の合間に見せる役を離れた自然体に近い姿を捉えてきました。『Solace』は、有名スターの舞台裏のポートレイトを中心に、撮影の移動中に車や飛行場から捉えた風景、雨に濡れた都会の街のスナップショットや室内の静物写真などで構成されています。
ウォン・カーウァイの映画作品の一番の理解者でありコラボレターであるアートディレクターのウィリアム・チャンは、『Solace』について、「捕捉了一瞬即逝的姿態一點點的時光令人動容 」(一瞬の時の断片を巧みに捉えた秀作) だと評しています。『Solace』を通し、シャの作品の魅力を十分の感じていただけることを期待しています。
Wing Shya
Wing Shya transmutes between film, art and fashion. Born in Hong Kong 1964, Shya returned to Hong Kong following his fine art studies at Emily Carr Institute in Canada and founded the award-winning design studio, Shya-la-la Workshop. In 1997, appointed as the exclusive photographer and graphic designer; Shya began his collaboration with the renowned movie director, Wong Kar-Wai on Happy Together, continued then on In the Mood for Love, Eros and 2046.
A now-recognized director, Shya began his venture in filmmaking by collaborating with musicians and artistes like Karen Mok, Jacky Cheung and Vanessa Mae on music videos. In Spring 2010, Shya debuted his block-buster movie, Hot Summer Days and continued to work on the sequel, Love in Space, released in Fall 2011. In 2010, invited by Rodarte; Wing Shya conceived of a fashion-art film for their Maggie Cheung Collection, and in 2011, he was invited by YOOX to contemplate Lost Paradise, another fashion-art initiative for thecorner.com in China.Shya made his return to fine art in 2006. Invited by the Mori Art Museum in Roppongi Hill, Japan; Wing Shya was the first non-Japanese photographer to exhibit at the museum with his inaugural show, Distraction/Attraction. In 2007, he was selected to exhibit in In Fashion 07, curated by Marion de Beaupré at Art Basel Miami, and in October the same year, he had a solo exhibition, Jealousy, at Xintiandi, Shanghai. Shya also took part in China Design Now in 2008, which was exhibited at V&A Museum. In recent years, he has exhibited with Louise Alexander Gallery (Italy), +81 Gallery (Tokyo and New York) and Ooibotos Gallery (Hong Kong). (text from artist's official website)
1964年香港生まれ。カナダのエミリー・カー美術大学で美術を学んだのち香港に戻り、デザインスタジオ「Shya-la-la Workshop」を創設、数々の賞を受賞する。1997年、映画「ブエノスアイレス」にて、映画監督であるウォン・カーウァイより専属フォトグラファー兼グラフィックデザイナーとして指名される。その後、映画「花様年華」「愛の神、エロス」「2046」と、コラボレーションが続いた。 映画監督としても名を馳せているシャは、カレン・モク、ジャッキー・チュン、ヴァネッサ・メイなどのミュージシャンらとミュージックビデオでのコラボレーションを経て、2010年春、大ヒット映画「ホット・サマー・デイズ」で監督デビューを果たす。2011年秋に続編「ハッピーイヤーズ・イブ」を公開。また、2006年には美術に立ち返り、森アーツセンターギャラリーで個展「ウィン・シャ エキシビション」を開催した。その後ニューヨーク、イタリア、香港などで個展を開催。また、i-D(イギリス)やNumèro (フランス)など、世界各国の名だたるファッション誌やルイ・ヴィトン、マルタン・マルジェラなどのブランドのヴィジュアルも手がけている。