
Since founding Session Press in 2011, Miwa Susuda has quickly become one of the most vital, prescient eyes in the world of contemporary photobooks for introducing emerging and established Japanese and Chinese photographers.

All Session Press titles are reviewed by photo critics and professionals and have been awarded prizes by many renowned institutions and photography journals. Some highlights include Momo Okabe and Daisuke Yokota’s Paul Huf prizes at FOAM museum in Amsterdam in 2015 and 2016 respectively as well as Mao Ishikawa’s nominations in Fotobookfestival, Kessel, Les Rencontres d’Arles and LIBÉRATION in 2016.

To further promote work by Japanese photographers, Session Press is active in working with museums and galleries for their exhibitions as well as participating in international symposiums and art fairs: Session Press's previous activities include:

Chico Book Review, jury (Montana, 2024)
CPW Kingston, Woodstock AIR Artist Residency, jury (NY, 2024)
NYFA Fellowship, jury (NY, 2023)
ICP Photo Book Festival, artist talk (NY, 2023)
Paris Photo/Aperture Foundation, jury for Best Book shortlist (NY, 2022)
Women and Photobooks Symposium at CONTACT 2019, artist talk (Toronto, 2019)
10x10 "How We See" at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, artist talk (Boston, 2019)
Twelvebooks 4th Photobook Symposium, artist talk (Tokyo, 2018)
Toronto Library Project, artist talk (Toronto, 2018)
Museum of Sex for Nobuyoshi Araki’s exhibition, “The Incomplete Araki: Sex, Life, and Death” (New York, 2018)
Photo-Bookworks Symposium at Visual Studies Workshop, artist talk (Rochester, 2016)
Ren Hang’s exhibitions at Klein Sun Gallery (New York, 2016) and Matchbaco Gallery (Tokyo, 2015)

Our publications are archived in the collections of academic and art institutions including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The New York Public Library, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, University of Pennsylvania, The International Center of Photography, and many others.

As a unique forerunner of Japanese publisher in the US, Session Press continuously functions as a pivotal vehicle in supporting activities of Japanese photographers and providing a valuable perspective of their work to its audiences.

For any inquiry, please contact us:

Website design: Studio Lin
Website Development: Yeon Ryoo
Book photography: Akira Kawahata
Editor: Daniel González

ニューヨークで出版社を立ち上げ、日本と中国の写真を紹介しています。出版のほか、2006年よりニューヨークの写真専門書店ダシュウッド・ブックスでマネジャーとして勤務し、海外のコレクター、美術館、ギャラリーのコレクションに向け、日本の写真集を幅広く収集することを勧めています。講師として、海外の美術館や、ギャラリー、大学の講演会で、日本の写真を紹介する活動も積極的に行なっています。これまで、トロントのContact Photo、ボストンのMuseum of Fine Arts, Boston、ローチェスターのVisual Studies Workshop、サンフランシスコのCasemore Kirkeby Gallery、ニューヨークのドーバーストリートマーケット・ Paradigm Publishing 、トロントの Toronto Photobook Libraryなどでセミナーを開催しました。

セッションプレスから出版した写真集は、多くの賞をいただいていますが、特に、岡部桃さんと横田大輔さんの写真集は、オランダの写真美術館、FOAMからPaul Huf Awardを受け、同美術館で展示会を開催する快挙を成し遂げました。また、石川真生さんの『赤花』は、海外の多くのメディアに取り上げられ、数多くの賞を授かりまりました。荒木経惟さんの『青ノ時代・去年ノ夏』は、ニューヨークの美術館Museum of Sexと協定して、フィルムを上映し、多くの美術館の来場者に、アラキネマ(荒木さんの映像作品)を紹介することを務めました。



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